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Make Blogger Blog DoFollow or NoFollow

Make Blogger Blog  DoFollow or NoFollowlast time i publishBlogger Add Reply Tag To Comments today it time for another tricks to get more back links .Now to Make Blogger Blog Comment DoFollow or NoFollow is very easy, before that let's look into what the hell is dofollow and nofollow:

Google announced in early 2005 that hyperlinks which contains rel="nofollow" attribute would not influence the link target's PageRank. In addition, the Yahoo and Bing search engines also respect this attribute.

Make Blogger Blog Comment DoFollow or NoFollow

nofollow is an HTML attribute value used to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index. It is intended to reduce the effectiveness of certain types of search engine spam, thereby improving the quality of search engine results and preventing spamdexing from occurring.

You might be aware that my blog is a DoFollow blog, i always look after my readers and commentators, we linkback to their site or blog from their comments (If not red flag of spam is rise), we follow strict spam policy. so as me so many other blogger also want to repay their readers with removing nofollow attribute.

How to Make Blogger Comments DoFollow:

First I would suggest you to make a backup of your blogger blog, we will edit your blog template to add dofollow attribute to your blogger comment section.

Step 1. Login to Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2. Navigate to Layout >> Edit HTML >> Expand Widgets Template.

Step 3. Search for the following code in your template.

<dl id=’comments-block’>
<b:loop values=’data:post.comments’var=’comment‘>
<dt class=’comment-author’expr:id=’”comment-” +’>
<a expr:name=’”comment-”’/>
<b:if cond=’data:comment.authorUrl’>
<a expr:href=’data:comment.authorUrl’ rel=’nofollow’><></a>

Step 4. You can see a code in red and bold font there. It’s rel=’nofollow’ and this piece of code adds Nofollow attributes to your blog. Detele the code rel=’nofollow’ (or you can remove only no, making it rel=’follow‘) and save the template.

Step 5. Click on Save to save the changes.

Step 6. You are done.


  1. I never really understood what the point is of having "nofollow" sure it cuts down on spam which makes sense, but isin't the whole point of the internet and blogging to share ideas and make those ideas available to everyone ? Great info by the way.

  2. Nice post. :)

    Helpful blog, btw! <3

  3. Thanks for clearing up the no-follow thing for me.
    Going to go in and put the no=follow on my sites.

  4. i've try it and not yet working in my blog please help me????????anyone

  5. @adi

    just search rel=’nofollow’ will be easy to find the key......try this once......if u searched ,again the key is not shown the your blog is already dofollow ....happi blogging

  6. Nice! This is a good step to get comments!

  7. Ya but by doing this thing i have lost my page rank so i prefer not to do this!!!!!!!

  8. Fantabulous post. I appreciate you for creating this post


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